23 January, 2011

Tekumel 5

The walking dead man you defeated lies bound on the floor before you. Is the binding necessary? It's hard to know. He's clearly been dead for several days, yet he was silently threatening you only moments ago. His cold body is limp and completely motionless.

You look again at the long silvery staff.. bar? ..in your hands, and you realise that for many of the personalities within you, this is the first time in all their existence when they've held a metal object. Remembering the other room behind you, you rise, and with a wary glance back at the still unmoving body, turn the corner into what you can only conceive of as a sorcerer's laboratory.

On the crowded tables, high desks and shelves you see a dizzying array of obscure glassware, chlen-hide boxes, globes and shapes of brazen clockwork, and an omnipresent clutter of enigmatic objects, a few of which seem to whisper their purpose to as-yet unsurfaced identities within your mind. Among them, on a high table along one shadowy side of the room, you see a very large book, bound in dusty grey-white hide.. or skin.


Chris Creel said...

Great, descriptive stuff. I have never had the pleasure of reading a Tekumel adventure or rulebook but I can still appreciate your descriptions.

migellito said...

Thank you very much! One is glad to be of service :)

netherwerks said...

These episodic glimpses of Tekumel are wonderful--please do let us know if you have an opening in your play-by-post game...

migellito said...

Actually, there are an infinite number of openings for Tekumel, and it takes place right here on the blog. Your 'character' is a semi-submerged identity within the one physical body whose activities I'm describing. To all your senses, you look and feel like your identity, as well.

Feel free at any time to jump in and declare your identity's thoughts, or desired actions. :)

netherwerks said...

Shen like book. First try read book. If no nice pictures or it not in Shen-script or some language shen recognize, close it and carry it along. Books worth money. Especially books recovered from sorcerer places at great personal risk...

Shen look through chlen hide boxes, look for food, look for wayto carry good loot-things from this place. Weapons other than blunt bar of silver would be good things to find as well.

Maybe we go try to wake one more body?

migellito said...

We can consider the book taken. I'll address the box-opening in Tekumel 7, and we'll also have our first opposed roll-off for waking up more uppity dead vs. letting them lie.